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Workshop on backcasting

©BMK / Karo Pernegger (The Austrian Citizens’ Climate Assembly)

Can backcasting and scenario planning be used within the framework of climate assemblies? If so, what could the process look like? Would it bring new perspectives and recommendations from the assemblies? Would it bring new forms of interaction between science, citizens, and decision makers?

In this workshop we explored how methods of backcasting and scenario-based planning can be integrated within climate assemblies – and, equally, how climate assemblies might be integrated within backcasting and scenario-based planning processes. Experts and practitioners on foresight methods and climate assemblies shared their experiences and insights, and explored the possibilities and boundaries of the integration of backcasting and scenario-based planning and climate assembly practice.

Our aim is to co-produce initial guidance in this area that can help shape the work of both communities of practice and consider further areas of collaboration that KNOCA can faciliate.

To learn more download the background document and the follow-up on the workshop below.

Follow-up with key insights from the backcasting workshop

Background document for the backcasting Workshop


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