The Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) aims to improve the commissioning, design, implementation and impact of climate assemblies, using evidence, knowledge exchange and dialogue. We are an active community of policy makers, practitioners, activists, researchers and other actors with experience and interest in climate assemblies who co-create activities and knowledge.
Why Do We Need to Talk About Climate Assemblies?
Formal launch of KNOCA
This event marks the public launch of KNOCA. Relevant for anyone with an interest in the relationship between Climate Assemblies and climate policy.
This event was an opportunity to:
- Hear from high profile speakers at the forefront of driving the Climate Assembly agenda in Europe.
- Understand how KNOCA plans to facilitate the development of a shared understanding of best practice for Climate Assemblies.
- Share your experiences and ideas with an extended Climate Assembly peer network.
Why we need to talk about Climate Assemblies: Opening presentations
● Welcome and introductions by Erica Hope, Director of Climate Planning and Laws, European Climate Foundation
●Keynote speech by David van Reybrouck, founder of the G1000 movement and author of the influential manifesto ‘Against Elections’
●Keynote speech by Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation and co-chair of the governance committee of the French Citizens Convention on Climate7.25 - 7.35
Discussion with participants
Why KNOCA? Why now?
●Presentation by Professor Graham Smith, Founding Chair of the Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies
Discussion with participants
How to organise a Climate Assembly: Interactive discussion on the many issues to consider
●Testimony by Valvanera Ulargui Aparicio, director of the Spanish Office for Climate Change
●Testimony by Bjørn Bedsted, Debuty Director of the Danish Board of Technology and founding member of the knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies
●Discussion with participants
What´s next?
●Closing Remarks by Professor Graham Smith, Founding Chair of the Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies
Videorecording of the event: