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Climate Activism and Citizens’ Assemblies

January 7, 2025

Claire Mellier (Iswe) and Graham Smith (KNOCA/University of Westminster) have published a chapter on climate assemblies in the recently published Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report Civic Activism in an Intensifying Climate Crisis.

The report, edited by Erin Jones and Richard Youngs, analyses the wider variety of tactics and the broader set of goals employed by climate activism to address the deepening climate crisis, along with the stronger repression and civic backlash facing the movement.

Mellier and Smith offer an overview of the ways in which climate civil society organisations and movements are engaging with climate assemblies, from participating as stakeholders and witnesses in government-commissioned assemblies through to commissioning their own assemblies that often challenge government inaction.

In their chapter, ‘Activsim and Climate Assemblies’, Smith and Mellier highlight three challenges facing assemblies commissioned by civil society organisations. First, the challenge of ensuring integrity and perceived legitimacy in governance. Second, accessing necessary resources to finance a robust process. And third, realising impact.

Download Civic Activism in an Intensifying Climate Crisis.

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